Thursday, April 30, 2009

Student Stampede

Okay, hunting students is officially in season . . . hypothetically speaking of course (depending on where you live I guess). But once BYU shut its doors to its students they all came applying for the two positions I have left on my ABA therapy team. I have 12 messages a night when I come home from my therapy runs (for the kids. Not for me...yet) asking for a job.

The thing that amazes me is their lack of ability to follow directions in the ad I posted in the school paper. Only a very few (let's say 2) of the students actually went to the website describing what, where, when, and how to get the job. I also had a girl ask for me to pay her gas, and ask if it was okay to take 4 weeks off, and ask when would she get a raise. Where do these kids come from???

I forgot to mention that I talked with another mother who is doing an ABA program. Talking with her and her experiences I decided to go with Scott rather than Jaden's therapist. Mostly because Scott had more experience with just ABA and also something in my gut said to go with Scott. And everyone always knows I go with my gut in all matters...particularly when it comes to food.

So I have hired two people already and I need two more. There is one kid who I really like who is pre-med and can give me at least a year commitment . Then I have 7 other interviews to hold to make another decision. And if you know me I am the last person to ask to make a decision.

Also, Jaden has made a lot of progress. His therapist got him to say "I want candy" and to identify and say all his colors. He also calls Brinn "baby". She is not Brinn she is just "baby". Jaden now to my delight has taken to copying the dances and songs on Peter Pan and Jungle Book. He loves to sing and dance to King Louie's scat song and the pirate song. He also calls elephants "Hathi" since that is the name of the elephant on Jungle Book. Just to clarify we don't watch these movies all the time.

Brinn still walks like a ballerina so I got her some stiff soled shoes to try and get her to stop. It kind of helped but she'll just walk up to a table or a chair and holds on while she gets on her tippy toes. We have also been doing some stretching exercises so that her tendons don't tighten up which could eventually mean surgery. Ouch!

So therapy will start for Brinn in a week. And Jadens therapy should start in two to three weeks.
Also, thanks so much aunt Kerry for your help. We are trying to scramble to get materials for Jaden's therapy and your help has made a huge difference (and we miss you).

Monday, April 27, 2009


Okay, I gave Jaden an apple after he asked for one (which just consists of him saying "apple". I'm pleased enought that he can say this word. But lo and behold as he is eating he points to me and says "you". I was shocked to say the least and then he points to himself and then says "I". !!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness.

Okay, for those of you who aren't too familiar with autism this is an amazing feat for Jaden or any autistic kid. Pronouns are very difficult for kids with autism. It takes them a while for them to pick them up. We haven't been working on them at home since I didn't think he could grasp that concept yet. But heck, pronouns here we come!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hiring and Advertising

So here is the scary part. I need to hire 4-5 people to work for me to do this ABA program. I called and talked to another mother who has been doing her program for 18 months now and got great tips and advise. So the things I had to do to get started was create a website that explains the job in detail so people know what they are applying for. I called BYU, U of U, and Westminster, and had all their psychology and special ed departments put up fliers and mass email their students about the job for me.

I hired the therapist who has been working with Jaden for the past 8 months from the school district. She is getting married and needs a little extra money since her future husband is still working on his undergraduate degree.

I have two interviews this week from psychology students from BYU and both seem very capable for the position.

But one question keeps bothering me. How am I suppose to interview people for a job I don't know how to do myself? So my personal qualifications are 'Can you stand to wear earplugs?' and 'are you a happy person?' I think that covers all the basics.

Now we need to sell the house so that we can continue to pay for this program not to mention Brinn RDI program.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Does he understand?!

Okay, we I put on the movie Finding Nemo because the kids haven't seen it in a long while and I honestly forgot what happened in the movie (besides Nemo getting lost of course).

So when the kiddie fishies were talking about the boat they were seeing and were calling it a "butt" instead of a boat Jaden was laughing hysterically. Did he understand the humor there? I would love to think so but I'm not sure.

Okay, you know you are a sad person when you get excited when your child may understand a potty joke.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Grasping Straws and Line of Attack

As any parent with a child with autism, you would do anything to cure or diminish the symptoms of autism. I have heard some crazy theories and drastic measures that parents have taken. Some I do not agree with and some I'm willing to try even if I'm not fully sure of the science behind it. The most drastic I have heard of is of a family who took their child to Mexico every three months for a full blood transfusion. When I heard that I was horrified.

I am trying some less intrusive measures to help my two little rug rats. So far we have put them on gluten and casein free diets. Boy has it been a pain to try and make the daily menu differ from day to day. And then try to get the kids to eat the stuff. I think a steady diet of marshmallows couldn't hurt. It is something both gluten and casein free and they will eat it.

We are also doing listening therapy. We have been doing that for a while and Jaden is now comfortable to listen to his music in the car with his bulky headphones.

Also, we have the opportunity to get Jaden into a chiropractor to treat Jaden for his autism at a discount rate. I have never been one to go to a chiropractor. But throughout all this, I'm going to keep an open mind. But I have to admit, I've been there three times and I have been very fascinated. It is amazing how our muscles weaken when we are exposed to substances our bodies are sensitive too. It is crazy.

He is going to a preschool aimed primarily for autistic children and children with other learning disabilities. I love the teachers at the school. They love what they are doing and put their hearts into it. I knew I liked them when Jaden's teacher choked up while I was explaining that we were selling our home as we were trying to get Brinn into as much therapy as possible too. They have been giving us diapers, laundry detergent, and food at each visit. They are the most caring people I can imagine.

I have been doing some reading and research and I have decided to do a ABA therapy program at home. I talked to a consultant on Monday and discussed his plans for what he thinks both Jaden and Brinn need. A program will cost about $30,000-$35,000 a year per kid. This is why we are selling our home.

Jaden will probably need 25-40 hours of ABA therapy a week. Brinn will only need 8 hours of RDI therapy a week. It was a good thing we caught Brinn's symptoms early. If you don't know anything about ABA therapy it consists of the child sitting in a chair the whole time having information thrown at them. It may sound harsh and intense, which it is, but studies and personal stories have said that it can cure children of autism with a higher success rate. I have explained to Jason that we are investing in our grandchildren by doing this.

Oh, and by the way, it is hard to find an ABA therapy consultant in Utah. I had to go through many disconnected numbers and moved consultants to find the one I met with. But the exciting news was when I was talking with Jaden's and Brinn's therapist, he mentioned he had run programs before and he was willing to do it for a much lower cost. But we will still have to hire other instructors (college students at $10/hr) to help out with Jaden's therapy. So I think we will hire Jaden's teacher to be our consultant.

This is what is going on right now and I'm about to post some ads in college newspapers, and solicit school district, special ed therapists I know.

So essentially I'm going to be starting a home business that will lose a lot of money. Any investors?. . . Anyone?