Monday, March 16, 2009

The Bumpy Road Ahead

So since we last had that consultation we have had quite an experience. We continued to keep going to the place Jaden was going to preschool and therapy. It was the cheapest for the quality of therapy he is receiving. So since January Jaden has started to say a few more words. I should keep a tab on the side of this blog just to keep track of his words. He is doing better at trying to say words and also saying the first syllable or sounds of words.

We have increased his therapy by two more sessions. So he is attending thereapy 4 days a week Tues- Fri at a hour each session, along with 4 days of preschool at the same place for two hours each, and on Wednesdays he has preschool at the school district for an hour and a half. I have to drive to each of these places and back and it takes 25 minutes to drive to each place. I'll let you do the math. I'm sure the car is as tired as I am.

Jaden now can say: hi, no, hey, banana (some of these words don't sound exactly like the word), apple, car, night-night, bye-bye, candy, cookie, tree, see, yeah, shoes, toes, eye, nose.

I'm still waiting for mommy. I'm working hard on that word. For those mothers out there who get frustrated with your little ones be grateful that your kids can call you mommy and probably that they love you because this job is ungratifing and to only hear those words makes it worth it. But if you can't hear those words it is hard to tell if someone really appreciates the endurance and work.

And he can point to : hair, eyes, toes, mouth, belly button, nose, chin, tummy.

But we are still wondering if we are doing enough.

I would love to enroll Jaden into Autism Journeys and keep him in preschool. I've heard great things about this place. But it would cost $2,000 a month. We are already paying $1,200 a month. We have spent all our savings, and all excess income and are calling in all IOUs.

I wish we could get student loans for our autistic kids because if they get all the help they can before age 5-7 they are more likely to be mainstreamed and not have any problems. It is only a couple of years of intense spending for therapy for these kids and then they can be mainstreamed and live a normal life. But if you miss that small window it may cost more money for therapy to make the same difference in those kids' lives in the future.

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