Monday, March 16, 2009


Jaden had a ear infection and we took him to an instacare and they perscribed Jaden cefdinir. He was on it for three days and those were the worst three days I've had in a long time. I had to call for help from my mom to get me through each of those days. Jaden has huge tantrums once a day or more some times. But this was a continual thing for the whole day. People tend not to see the huge tantrums because I always stay home. But my mom was a part of the whole experience. It was nice for me to have someone see what it is like to have an autistic child who has these sort of outbursts. My mom told me it was such an eye opener for her and she never realized what patience is necessary for these tantrums. But since these tantrums were an all day thing I was going berserk myself. Thanks to my mom's help we were able to handle the storm. We took shifts as each of our patience ran out.

We couldn't figure out why such a change in personality. The only thing I could figure out was that is coincided with his antibiotics for his ear infection. I took him off the medication and the next day he was much better. He wasn't totally normal but I could handle him for a good period of time without breaking down in tears with despair and hopelessness.

So we did some research online and found out that antibiotics can affect the symptoms of autism and some people think contribute to it. I called the doctor and he prescribed some different antibiotic that he had been on before and Jaden seemed to do well after that.

So I wonder if an antibiotic can make such a difference, what could a diet do or not do for Jaden. I've heard a lot about gluten free and dairy free diets helping autistic children. It will mean more work but I'll have to do what I can to help Jaden.

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