Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our Travels So Far

So after I compiled the list of Jaden's symptoms I took this list to the pediatrician and he agreed that Jaden was autistic but we still needed him to be officially diagnosed. My pediatrician sent me on an unintentional wild goose chase as the numbers he gave me only worked with children with Medicaid and a research clinic that only worked with children 3 and older. Also it was just a research clinic and not a practical clinic so we couldn't get a diagnosis. So I went to see my sister's pediatrician since this doctor had an autistic son of her own and she knew the medical field of autism well. She suggested I see the state health department to get the diagnosis. And of course everything is out-of-pocket since our health insurance doesn't cover autism.

Jason bought a book called "Act Early Against Autism". The best advice the book gave was in the title. The lady who wrote the book is very bitter and only deepens the despair. A definite "do not read"!

Jason also found a preschool in the area (20 minute drive) that works with autistic children. The teacher there is amazing with these kids and they all love him. The ratio is 5 kids per teacher and they have them on a strict routine and the teachers work with the kids individualy for a period of time to focus on their particular need.

If you're interested, the preschool is called Kidsworld Preschool and the price is a little steep. It's not nearly as expensive as Pingree School of Autism ($26,000 tuition a year!) which all parents with autistic kids dream of getting their kids into. This preschool is $360 for four-days-a-week of 2 hours a day. The teacher also provides private sessions of therapy for the kids. He does charge $50 an hour which is very reasonable for those of you who aren't on Medicaid or are filthy rich. If you're filthy rich put your kids in the Pingree School of Autism because that is where you can get your doctors, researchers, special ed teachers, and therapists together to help your child with a ratio of one teacher for two kids. But the thing is someone has to pay for all the help, and insurance companies and the state won't pay so parents have to.

As I was waiting for the state health department to call me back to make an appointment with a behavioral pediatrician, my father told me about a new clinic that opened called Autisitic Journeys. Since they are just barely opening they are having free consultations and diagnosis. I immediately called and got an appointment. This clinic teaches the child's family and friends therapies and treatments so they can get the help they need at home. Just what I was looking for! I wanted to learn what the therapists knew so I could help Jaden. This clinic also privides thereapy for the kids and works with the schools that these children will and do attend.

I will have to update later about my consultation.

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