Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ignorance is Bliss. . . Or is it? And for whom?

Ignorant people are great. They don't intent to make themselves look bad...but they do...to me anyway. It is those people at a crowded store (let's say Costco or Target) who roll their eyes or leave the isles leaving the comment behind their backs as they leave, "some people let their kids get away with anything." Yes, sadly I hear these comments and see these gestures. And yes they do hurt because I'm human. I'm still working on becoming that confident superhero I'm aiming to be but until then I'm soft as a marshmallow.

People don't understand the tantrums are a part of my everyday life. I wish I knew what a normal child was like, but I can't spank my kid every time he hit, clawed, spit, or screamed bloody murder of the tenth degree because then he would have a very sore hinders and a very guilty feeling mother. So I do as any negligent mother who encourages bad behavior...I ignore it.

I have learned to tune it out and I forget that others haven't learned the same skill yet. So that is my purpose for getting out of the house and taking my children with me--to make you all tolerant and patient people. Because every Mom dealing with special needs children or normal tantruming children need some empathy out there.

Okay, I'm stepping down off my soapbox. Thanks for listening. The end.

But it gives me a good idea. I think I'll post what it is like for parents with autistic children. I like talking with other mothers because a lot of them feel the same way. Alone. They stay home because of the tantrums. They spend all of their money they can squeeze out of their paychecks to help their kids but it never seems like enough. It is a very desperate situation to be in. Not a lot of people understand autism. To be honest I didn't know what it really was until my nephew was diagnosed with it. So just to be informative I'll help others understand.

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