So every time I have to go see my DAN Dr. I have to take a deep breath, ask him to write everything down that he says to me so I can read it later, and then go into a wide-eyed trance so the Dr. can't see the shock of the next overwhelming task at hand.
After the appointments, I usually get a caffeinated drink and a chocolate bar with some gooey caramel center and then carefully read the prescribed treatments and try and digest what I heard earlier.
Today the chocolate and drink didn't help. I got home and collapse at what was strongly suggested for Jaden and Brinn. If only there were more hours in the day to do all these things...
Brinn may have to go on the antibiotic and anti fungal treatments that Jaden is on and Jaden will have to stay on his anti-fungal for the next 6 months to regulate his "gut". Remember anti-fungals 4 times a day along with pro-biotics 2 times a day all at different times ...along with the usual supplements.
At this appointment Jaden's gut was pretty good-not much bloating. Brinn has diarrhea so that indicated bacteria, yeast, or a viral infection so we have to wait a week and see what happens. But if it is the first two we'll have to do the antibiotics and anti-fungals as mentioned before.
After the appointments, I usually get a caffeinated drink and a chocolate bar with some gooey caramel center and then carefully read the prescribed treatments and try and digest what I heard earlier.
Today the chocolate and drink didn't help. I got home and collapse at what was strongly suggested for Jaden and Brinn. If only there were more hours in the day to do all these things...
Brinn may have to go on the antibiotic and anti fungal treatments that Jaden is on and Jaden will have to stay on his anti-fungal for the next 6 months to regulate his "gut". Remember anti-fungals 4 times a day along with pro-biotics 2 times a day all at different times ...along with the usual supplements.
At this appointment Jaden's gut was pretty good-not much bloating. Brinn has diarrhea so that indicated bacteria, yeast, or a viral infection so we have to wait a week and see what happens. But if it is the first two we'll have to do the antibiotics and anti-fungals as mentioned before.
We also went over Brinn's metal lab that was sent to Paris the previous month. Apparently, all we have to do is look into Brinn's eyes to tell what temperature it is with all the mercury that is in her little system. Okay, maybe it isn't that bad but it is high-along with some other toxins that the results showed. So for the next four to five weeks Brinn will be on Enhansa (Enhanced Absorption Curcumin Supplement) that gets increasingly stronger each week to help her detox from all the toxins. She will have to take the stuff two times a day. Just add it to the list.
But on top of all that the Dr. strongly suggested we started HBOT treatments. My first question was ...What?! I had no idea what it was. So the Dr. showed me the chamber they had there and explained what it does. So it logically seems like the next step.
But to explain the cheapest way we can do this is to rent one for two and a half months and each month costs the same as our old mortgage payment. The kids are supposed to get 80-100 hours in the chamber for it have the greatest affect.
Besides using up all our money I'm suppose to put both the kids maybe along with myself in this chamber one hour at a time, two times a day, five days a week...for the next two and a half months. But remember on top of that, supplements and medications 6 times a day, listening therapy 1/2 hour a day for each kid, 6-9 hours of ABA a day for Jaden, 2 hours RDI for Brinn, and I need to find time to make ketchup, bread, spaghetti squash, and prepare gluten and casein free and SCD diet meals.
Oh, and to top off my heaping plate...I will have to start giving Jaden B 12 shots in four weeks. I don't have problems getting shots, but I have never given anyone an injection and I get to start it on my little boy... I'm terrified. I'm sure once I've done it a couple times it will be no big deal but the thought of it is a little intimidating right now.
...and so is everything else.
Hum...If only we didn't have to sleep. Is there enough caffeine in the world?
But on top of all that the Dr. strongly suggested we started HBOT treatments. My first question was ...What?! I had no idea what it was. So the Dr. showed me the chamber they had there and explained what it does. So it logically seems like the next step.
But to explain the cheapest way we can do this is to rent one for two and a half months and each month costs the same as our old mortgage payment. The kids are supposed to get 80-100 hours in the chamber for it have the greatest affect.
Besides using up all our money I'm suppose to put both the kids maybe along with myself in this chamber one hour at a time, two times a day, five days a week...for the next two and a half months. But remember on top of that, supplements and medications 6 times a day, listening therapy 1/2 hour a day for each kid, 6-9 hours of ABA a day for Jaden, 2 hours RDI for Brinn, and I need to find time to make ketchup, bread, spaghetti squash, and prepare gluten and casein free and SCD diet meals.
Oh, and to top off my heaping plate...I will have to start giving Jaden B 12 shots in four weeks. I don't have problems getting shots, but I have never given anyone an injection and I get to start it on my little boy... I'm terrified. I'm sure once I've done it a couple times it will be no big deal but the thought of it is a little intimidating right now.
...and so is everything else.
Hum...If only we didn't have to sleep. Is there enough caffeine in the world?